Ideas 想法 A(DevelopingA) Ami Paris Campaign巴黎的“朋友”活動
Xiao Zhang
Tailor Studio
No Boundary 無邊際
No Boundary 是一個線上新聞和雜誌平台,致力於探討建築與全球環境之間的關係。它深入探索環境因素如何影響我們的建築方式,以及建築如何隨之調整並適應這些影響。我將「無界」定義為一個無限的概念,這概念代表人與地點相互合作,並共同創造創新。高度關注氣候變遷的解決方法,我們強調設計師如何改善生活條件,並探討環境如何引導我們的建築方法——這一切皆從全球視角出發。
Designer: Derick Tseng & Jin Yoo
Video Credit: (The Local Project, Dovecote)
No Boundary is an online news and magazine platform dedicated to examining the relationship between architecture and the environment worldwide. It explores how environmental factors shape our building practices and how architecture adapts to these influences. We define “no boundary” as a limitless concept where people and places come together to collaborate and drive innovation. With a strong focus on addressing climate change, we highlight how designers can improve living conditions and investigate how environmental considerations guide our approach to architecture—all from a global perspective.
Logo System標示識別系統 No Boundary 的文字標誌設計採用極簡風格,細線條字重和微妙的字距,傳達出一種「無限」的視覺概念,與其「無邊際」的名稱相呼應。No Boundary 代表了無限連結的理念——將人們聚集在一起,並將他們與周圍環境連結。我相信這正是人們追求並達到無限目標與高度的方式。
The No Boundary wordmark logo features a minimal, thin stroke weight with subtle tracking, evoking a “limitless” visual concept that aligns with its name, “No Boundary.”
No Boundary represents the idea of limitless connections—bringing people together and linking them with their surroundings. I believe this is how people pursue and reach limitless goals and heights.
The symbol logo embodies connection, relationships, and collaboration. The nodes at each end represent a pathway branching outward to connect with the subject. The symbol logo is versatile, adapting across platforms and orientations to ensure visual consistency in various media formats, from websites and social media to print and merchandise. It can be easily resized without losing clarity or, making it ideal for applications ranging from website headers to mobile apps.
No Boundary Logo Identity無邊際的標誌識別
Brand Identity : Color品牌識別 - 顏色
Color Palette(Inspiration)品牌配色(靈感)
No Boundary 的顏色會隨著不同的環境和情況而變化,我們選擇了一種中立的顏色——灰色。灰色位於黑色與白色之間,間接象徵著沒有明確的領域與邊界。Photos from: Divisare
The color of No Boundary adapts to different environments and situations, and we have chosen a neutral color—gray.
Positioned between black and white, it indirectly symbolizes the absence of defined territories and boundaries.
Brand Identity : Typography 品牌識別 - 字體 Typography : Europa字體 : Europa No Boundary 的字體選用了 Europa,一款現代無襯線字體,結合了幾何簡潔性與人文溫度。它的乾淨幾何風格與細微的粗糙質感,讓它在正文與標題中都能靈活運用。我們在品牌識別中廣泛使用了 Europa Bold 和 Regular。上方圖片展示了 No Boundary 網站上的字體系統。
No Boundary’s typography features Europa, a modern sans-serif font that combines geometric simplicity with a touch of humanistic warmth. Its clean geometric style and subtle roughness make it adaptable for both text and headline applications. We incorporate Europa Bold and Regular across the brand identity. The image above showcases the type system as it appears on the No Boundary website.
No Boundary : Website and Social Media網站和社群媒體
Website and
Social Media網站和社群媒體 我們展示全球傑出建築作品的平台。從創新的可持續建築設計到精巧設計的小空間室內裝潢,我們的平台突顯了該領域的最新趨勢和突破性作品。我們專注於呈現能啟發人心並突破界限的全球建築項目,歡迎每個人來探索、連結,並與我們一同慶祝建築與設計的無限可能性。
We are showcasing exceptional architecture projects from around the world. From innovative sustainable architecture to expertly designed small-space interiors, our platform highlights the latest trends and groundbreaking work in the field. We feature global architecture projects that inspire and push boundaries Everyone is welcome to explore, connect, and join us in celebrating the limitless possibilities of architecture and design.
Publication Design編輯/出版物設計 Global Architecture
Directory Book
當 No Boundary 與世界各地的建築師相遇時,成就了一場非凡設計的盛宴。
When No Boundary meet with worldwide architects.
The result is a celebration of exceptional design. The Global Architecture Directory highlights the unique of architectural creativity in this comprehensive guide to the most iconic, innovative, and inspiring structures. It honors the ingenuity and adaptability of designers as they create solutions that harmonize with environmental demands and overcome unique challenges. This edition showcases architecture from three continents:
Europe, Asia, and North America.
More Publications on the Website(Magazines, Books, and Posters) 更多網站上的編輯/出版物設計(雜誌、書籍和海報)