It is heavily inspired by the movie The Substance. Everything in it is bold and direct, yet it still evokes a mysterious and unsettling feeling. Additionally, I was drawn to the Korean horror comic Beauty Water. Both works reflect society’s relentless pursuit of physical perfection. In my project, I aim to create a biotech brand set in a futuristic world that presents chaos within order. The graphic and art style, referred to as “contemporary graphic realism,” features strong and vibrant colors. Inspirations are drawn from nature, as well as various well-known games, movies, and anime.
它深受電影 The Substance 的啟發。片中的一切既大膽又直接,但同時又散發出神秘而令人不安的氛圍。此外,我也受到韓國恐怖漫畫 Beauty Water 的吸引。這兩部作品都反映了當今社會對外表完美的無止境追求。在我的專案中,我的目標是打造一個設定於未來世界的生物科技品牌,呈現「秩序中的混亂」美學。其圖像與藝術風格被稱為「當代寫實主義」,以強烈而鮮明的色彩為特色。靈感來源包括大自然,以及眾多知名的遊戲、電影和動畫。
No Boundary
I’m always interested in designs related to architecture and interiors, mainly because I am surrounded by great housing designs and craftsmanship. I often see designers from outside the country collaborating with local designers to create extraordinary exterior designs constructed with firm and rigid structures that can withstand natural disasters such as earthquakes and hurricanes. This reinforces my belief that “connections” are the key to making dreams come true.
I love viruses. In fact, I studied viruses when I was still pursuing a degree in Biology. Viruses are so intriguing that we still do not fully understand their behaviors and forms, as they are constantly evolving and mutating. Besides viruses, there are similar pathogens such as bacteria, fungi, and parasites. Some of them are beneficial to humans, but the majority are not, simply because their existence serves to benefit nature rather than humans.
The Triptych (coming soon)
The term Triptych refers to a work of art divided into three panels or sections. The Triptych showcases three well-known Taiwanese teas: Ruby Black Tea (No. 18), Assam (No. 8), and Honyun (No. 21). The idea behind it stems from my love for milk tea in Taiwan—so why not create a black tea brand? The Triptych will feature anime-inspired illustrations combined with a minimalist design. I’ve always wanted to create a brand with anime-style packaging—it’s cool!
「Triptych」一詞指的是由三個面板或部分組成的藝術作品。The Triptych 呈現了三款知名的台灣紅茶:紅玉紅茶(No.18)、阿薩姆紅茶(No.8)以及紅韻紅茶(No.21)。這個品牌的靈感來自於我對台灣奶茶的喜愛——那為什麼不創立一個紅茶品牌呢?The Triptych 將結合動漫風格的插畫與極簡設計。我一直想要創建一個擁有動漫風格包裝設計的品牌——這真的很酷!
AMI Paris Café (coming soon)
I love everything about fashion—I study it, and I see it as an essential part of my life. The AMI logo stands out for its simplicity, elegance, and versatility. Beyond the logo, their pieces embody a minimalist and timeless aesthetic. The Ami de Cœur (“Friend of the Heart”) adds a personal touch and emotional connection, making the brand even more relatable. I’m drawn to the idea of a brand extension because I see cafés as a lifestyle—a space that fosters connection and strengthens relationships. Expanding a clothing brand into a café would not only enhance brand diversification but also deepen customer engagement, creating a more immersive and memorable brand experience.
我熱愛時尚——我研究它,並將其視為我生活中不可或缺的一部分。AMI 的 logo 因其簡約、優雅和多功能性而脫穎而出。除了 logo 之外,他們的設計也展現出極簡且永不過時的美學風格。Ami de Cœur(「心之摯友」)賦予品牌個人情感與深層聯繫,使其更加貼近人心。我對品牌延伸的概念深感興趣,因為我認為咖啡館是一種生活方式,它不僅是人與人之間交流的紐帶,還能加深彼此的聯繫。將服裝品牌延伸至咖啡館,不僅能拓展品牌的多元化發展,還能增強消費者的互動體驗,從而打造更具沉浸感和記憶點的品牌文化。