Ideas 想法 A(DevelopingA) Ami Paris Campaign巴黎的“朋友”活動
Xiao Zhang
Tailor Studio
More Design Projects更多設計 Those projects grew alongside me, reflecting my growth in both mindset and design.
這些作品伴隨我成長,展現了我在思維和設計上的進步。 Designer Talk with Tong Li
Credit: Tong Li & Artcenter
Summary: This interview explores Tong Li’s design philosophy, how she leverages her journalism skills to communicate her messages through her projects, and the areas of visual design she plans to pursue.
摘要: 本次訪談探討了李彤的設計理念,她如何運用新聞採訪的技能,透過作品傳達她的訊息,以及她未來計劃深入探索的視覺設計領域。 Thank you Tong Li for giving me an interview opportunity.
Introduction: Tong Li is a creative, brilliant, and skilled graphic designer and journalist dedicated to storytelling in her projects. Her work, including Between Hype and Hyperreality and Bitform (among many others), has earned her numerous awards in graphic design competitions. 介紹: 李彤是一位富有創意、才華橫溢且技藝精湛的平面設計師與記者,致力於在作品中講述故事。她的作品,包括 《Between Hype and Hyperreality》 和 《Bitform》(以及其他眾多作品),為她贏得了多項平面設計大獎。
Derick Tseng Motion Logo :)
Album Cover for berlioz
Printed on canvas matte, 12 by 12in
Typography PostersFun typography posters that combine typefaces matching with different types of background.